HG10021801 (gene) Bottle gourd (Hangzhou Gourd) v1

GO Annotation
GO Assignments
This gene is annotated with the following GO terms.
Category Term Accession Term Name
biological_process GO:0048440 carpel development
biological_process GO:0006325 chromatin organization
biological_process GO:0016487 farnesol metabolic process
biological_process GO:0016310 phosphorylation
biological_process GO:0009737 response to abscisic acid
cellular_component GO:0031969 chloroplast membrane
cellular_component GO:0016021 integral component of membrane
cellular_component GO:0070461 SAGA-type complex
molecular_function GO:0052668 CTP:farnesol kinase activity
molecular_function GO:0052670 geraniol kinase activity
molecular_function GO:0052671 geranylgeraniol kinase activity
molecular_function GO:0016301 kinase activity
molecular_function GO:0046872 metal ion binding