Expression of CmoCh02G015500 [Cucurbita moschata (Rifu) v1]

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PRJNA736171: Transcriptional responses to ethephon treatment (non-strand-specific; Publication)DownloadShow/hide expression
Sample IDSpeciesGenotypeDescriptionExpression (FPKM)
SAMN19611728Cucurbita moschata009-1Shoot apical meristem of pumpkin at seedling stage without ethephone treatment130.3
SAMN19611731Cucurbita moschata009-1Shoot apical meristem of pumpkin at seedling stage treated with ethephon121.94
PRJNA838377: Transcriptional responses to silver thiosulfate treatment (non-strand-specific)DownloadShow/hide expression
Sample IDSpeciesGenotypeDescriptionExpression (FPKM)
SAMN28421300Cucurbita moschataNAShoot apical meristem from untreated plants130.27
SAMN28421303Cucurbita moschataNAShoot apical meristem from plants treated with silver thiosulfate134.3
PRJNA714557: Transcriptome responses to cold stress (strand-specific)DownloadShow/hide expression
Sample IDSpeciesGenotypeDescriptionExpression (FPKM)
SAMN18312649Cucurbita moschataNACotyledon of plants under normal conditions144.89
SAMN18312650Cucurbita moschataNACotyledon of plants under cold stress (5℃)143.79
PRJNA725346: Transcriptome responses to heat stress (non-strand-specific)DownloadShow/hide expression
Sample IDSpeciesGenotypeDescriptionExpression (FPKM)
SAMN18876446Cucurbita moschataC25Cotyledon of plant under normal condition176.13
SAMN18876447Cucurbita moschataT38Cotyledon of plant acclimated at 38 C for 180 min167.08
SAMN18876448Cucurbita moschataT45Cotyledon of plant acclimated at 38 C for 180 min, allowed to recover at 25 C for 5 h, then challenged at 45 C for 180 min167.92
SAMN18876449Cucurbita moschataD45Cotyledon of plant directly challenged at 45 C for 180 min181.14
PRJNA725489: Transcriptome responses to far red light (strand-specific; Publication)DownloadShow/hide expression
Sample IDSpeciesGenotypeDescriptionExpression (FPKM)
SAMN18879995Cucurbita moschataYong an 4Hypocotyl of plants without far red light treatment28.14
SAMN18879987Cucurbita moschataYong an 4Hypocotyl of plants treated with far red light33.48
PRJNA788554: Transcriptome profiling of different tissues of grafted plants under different light treatments (non-strand-specific)DownloadShow/hide expression
Sample IDSpeciesGenotypeDescriptionExpression (FPKM)
SAMN24011796Cucurbita moschataNAFoundation+root of plants under dark treatment for 4 days33.5
SAMN24011808Cucurbita moschataNAFoundation+root of plants under far-red light treatment for 4 days32.79
SAMN24011802Cucurbita moschataNAFoundation+root of plants under white light treatment for 4 days34.94
SAMN24011817Cucurbita moschataNAFoundation+root of plants under dark treatment for 8 days33.97
SAMN24011829Cucurbita moschataNAFoundation+root of plants under far-red light treatment for 8 days33.79
SAMN24011823Cucurbita moschataNAFoundation+root of plants under white light treatment for 8 days38.09
SAMN24011799Cucurbita moschataNALeaf + stem of plants under dark treatment for 4 days83.84
SAMN24011811Cucurbita moschataNALeaf + stem of plants under far-red light treatment for 4 days71.56
SAMN24011805Cucurbita moschataNALeaf + stem of plants under white light treatment for 4 days69.29
SAMN24011814Cucurbita moschataNALeaf + stem of plants under dark treatment for 8 days105.68
SAMN24011826Cucurbita moschataNALeaf + stem of plants under far-red light treatment for 8 days105.1
SAMN24011820Cucurbita moschataNALeaf + stem of plants under white light treatment for 8 days96.66
PRJNA437579: Root transcriptome responses to salt stress (non-strand-specific; Publication)DownloadShow/hide expression
Sample IDSpeciesGenotypeDescriptionExpression (FPKM)
SAMN08668095Cucurbita moschataChaojiquanwangFresh root apexes (0-2 mm from the root tip) from seedlings without NaCl treatment40.82
SAMN08668101Cucurbita moschataChaojiquanwangFresh root apexes (0-2 mm from the root tip) from seedlings after 24 hours 75 mM NaCl treatment24.15
PRJNA464060: Leaf transcriptome responses to salt stress (non-strand-specific; Publication)DownloadShow/hide expression
Sample IDSpeciesGenotypeDescriptionExpression (FPKM)
SAMN09090742Cucurbita moschataN15Leaf mesophyll of N15 seedlings treated by 0 mM NaCl for 24 hours85.23
SAMN09090748Cucurbita moschataN15Leaf mesophyll of N15 seedlings treated by 100 mM NaCl for 24 hours85.08
SAMN09090745Cucurbita moschataN15Leaf vein of N15 seedlings treated by 0 mM NaCl for 24 hours78.19
SAMN09090751Cucurbita moschataN15Leaf vein of N15 seedlings treated by 100 mM NaCl for 24 hours77.88
PRJNA729180: Transcriptome responses to Fusarium wilt (non-strand-specific; Publication)DownloadShow/hide expression
Sample IDSpeciesGenotypeDescriptionExpression (FPKM)
SAMN19112861Cucurbita moschataNARoots of control plants at 0 hours26.3
SAMN19112867Cucurbita moschataNARoots of control plants at 24 hours23.92
SAMN19112873Cucurbita moschataNARoots of plants at 24 hours after Fusarium Fusarium oxysporum inoculation30.57
PRJNA629657: Transcriptome profiling of fruit development (non-strand-specific; Publication)DownloadShow/hide expression
Sample IDSpeciesGenotypeDescriptionExpression (FPKM)
SAMN14785461Cucurbita moschataCMO-EFruit flesh at 0 days post pollination95.22
SAMN14785462Cucurbita moschataCMO-EFruit flesh at 10 days post pollination42.92
SAMN14785463Cucurbita moschataCMO-EFruit flesh at 20 days post pollination70.97
SAMN14785464Cucurbita moschataCMO-EFruit flesh at 30 days post pollination26.98
SAMN14785465Cucurbita moschataCMO-EFruit flesh at 40 days post pollination39.83
SAMN14785466Cucurbita moschataCMO-XFruit flesh at 0 days post pollination84.27
SAMN14785467Cucurbita moschataCMO-XFruit flesh at 10 days post pollination95.34
SAMN14785468Cucurbita moschataCMO-XFruit flesh at 20 days post pollination53.24
SAMN14785469Cucurbita moschataCMO-XFruit flesh at 30 days post pollination72.71
SAMN14785470Cucurbita moschataCMO-XFruit flesh at 40 days post pollination78.57
PRJNA552914: Trancriptome profiling of homo- and hetero-grafted plants (strand-specific; Publication)DownloadShow/hide expression
Sample IDSpeciesGenotypeDescriptionExpression (FPKM)
SAMN12221395Cucurbita moschataQianglishiLeaves of homografting plants (C. moschata grafted on C. moschata) 72.97
SAMN12221413Cucurbita moschataQianglishiLeaves of heterografting plants (C. moschata grafted on C. sativus)64.01
SAMN12221398Cucurbita moschataQianglishiRoots of homografting plants (C. moschata grafted on C. moschata)20.43
SAMN12221410Cucurbita moschataQianglishiRoots of heterografting plants (C. sativus grafted on C. moschata)15.7
PRJNA718902: Transcriptome profiling of root from grafted plants (non-strand-specific; Publication)DownloadShow/hide expression
Sample IDSpeciesGenotypeDescriptionExpression (FPKM)
SAMN18579033Cucurbita moschataF1Roots from grafted plants at the beginning of grafting42.94
SAMN18579036Cucurbita moschataF1Roots from grafted plants at 14 days after grafting25.32
PRJNA386743: Transcriptomes of young leaves from different Cucurbita lines (strand-specific; Publication)DownloadShow/hide expression
Sample IDSpeciesGenotypeDescriptionExpression (FPKM)
SAMN07224656Cucurbita moschataNigerian LocalYoung leaves55.35
SAMN07224668Cucurbita moschataPI 498429Young leaves108.68
SAMN07224683Cucurbita moschataPI 653064Young leaves50.89
PRJNA385310: Transcriptome profiling of different tissues (strand-specific; Publication)DownloadShow/hide expression
Sample IDSpeciesGenotypeDescriptionExpression (FPKM)
SAMN06886305Cucurbita moschataRifuFruits at 46 days after pollination27.45
SAMN06886306Cucurbita moschataRifuLeaves at 46 days after pollination134.34
SAMN06886307Cucurbita moschataRifuStems at 46 days after pollination43.31
SAMN06886308Cucurbita moschataRifuRoots at 46 days after pollination19.83
SAMN06886714Cucurbita maxima x Cucurbita moschataShintosaFruits at 46 days after pollination59.42
SAMN06886715Cucurbita maxima x Cucurbita moschataShintosaLeaves at 46 days after pollination98.26
SAMN06886716Cucurbita maxima x Cucurbita moschataShintosaStems at 46 days after pollination42.03
SAMN06886717Cucurbita maxima x Cucurbita moschataShintosaRoots at 46 days after pollination24.95
PRJNA554766: Transcriptome profiling of pistils from normal and aborted female flowers (non-strand-specific; Publication)DownloadShow/hide expression
Sample IDSpeciesGenotypeDescriptionExpression (FPKM)
SAMN12283236Cucurbita moschataNAPistils of normal female flowers89.23
SAMN12283237Cucurbita moschataNAPistil of aborted female flowers75.72