Run Library RawReads/Pairs CleanedReads/Pairs MappedReads/Pairs OriginalSample NewSample Replicate ScientificName Genotype Description SRR17223156 non-strand-specific 27601192 26814324 21842165 SAMN24011796 SAMN24011796 rep1 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under dark treatment for 4 days SRR17223155 non-strand-specific 21234845 20634539 17974731 SAMN24011797 SAMN24011796 rep2 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under dark treatment for 4 days SRR17223144 non-strand-specific 21680879 20971815 16685532 SAMN24011798 SAMN24011796 rep3 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under dark treatment for 4 days SRR17223133 non-strand-specific 20164482 19638348 16694344 SAMN24011799 SAMN24011799 rep1 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under dark treatment for 4 days SRR17223126 non-strand-specific 20619341 20000095 17677161 SAMN24011800 SAMN24011799 rep2 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under dark treatment for 4 days SRR17223125 non-strand-specific 21643436 21077748 18685745 SAMN24011801 SAMN24011799 rep3 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under dark treatment for 4 days SRR17223124 non-strand-specific 20912846 20160587 17455207 SAMN24011802 SAMN24011802 rep1 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under white light treatment for 4 days SRR17223123 non-strand-specific 22028570 21293119 17434671 SAMN24011803 SAMN24011802 rep2 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under white light treatment for 4 days SRR17223122 non-strand-specific 21127732 20458349 17575574 SAMN24011804 SAMN24011802 rep3 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under white light treatment for 4 days SRR17223121 non-strand-specific 21597823 20901446 18372881 SAMN24011805 SAMN24011805 rep1 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under white light treatment for 4 days SRR17223154 non-strand-specific 21034490 20130189 17985954 SAMN24011806 SAMN24011805 rep2 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under white light treatment for 4 days SRR17223153 non-strand-specific 21038417 20333146 17370983 SAMN24011807 SAMN24011805 rep3 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under white light treatment for 4 days SRR17223152 non-strand-specific 20019976 19304977 16878576 SAMN24011808 SAMN24011808 rep1 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under far-red light treatment for 4 days SRR17223151 non-strand-specific 20784586 20130711 17509807 SAMN24011809 SAMN24011808 rep2 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under far-red light treatment for 4 days SRR17223150 non-strand-specific 20926627 20085770 17309546 SAMN24011810 SAMN24011808 rep3 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under far-red light treatment for 4 days SRR17223149 non-strand-specific 20362726 19727714 17446352 SAMN24011811 SAMN24011811 rep1 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under far-red light treatment for 4 days SRR17223148 non-strand-specific 21167676 19151775 15808506 SAMN24011812 SAMN24011811 rep2 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under far-red light treatment for 4 days SRR17223147 non-strand-specific 20526613 19957460 17720427 SAMN24011813 SAMN24011811 rep3 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under far-red light treatment for 4 days SRR17223146 non-strand-specific 21397341 20795741 18473481 SAMN24011814 SAMN24011814 rep1 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under dark treatment for 8 days SRR17223145 non-strand-specific 20371439 19727419 17599373 SAMN24011815 SAMN24011814 rep2 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under dark treatment for 8 days SRR17223143 non-strand-specific 19867921 19239739 16974051 SAMN24011816 SAMN24011814 rep3 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under dark treatment for 8 days SRR17223142 non-strand-specific 21568804 20702218 17907030 SAMN24011817 SAMN24011817 rep1 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under dark treatment for 8 days SRR17223141 non-strand-specific 22824425 21826614 18593791 SAMN24011818 SAMN24011817 rep2 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under dark treatment for 8 days SRR17223140 non-strand-specific 19490256 18769374 16203651 SAMN24011819 SAMN24011817 rep3 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under dark treatment for 8 days SRR17223139 non-strand-specific 21234736 20399868 17779213 SAMN24011820 SAMN24011820 rep1 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under white light treatment for 8 days SRR17223138 non-strand-specific 22625594 21946236 19508893 SAMN24011821 SAMN24011820 rep2 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under white light treatment for 8 days SRR17223137 non-strand-specific 19572029 19083328 16980314 SAMN24011822 SAMN24011820 rep3 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under white light treatment for 8 days SRR17223136 non-strand-specific 21706543 20947868 17888721 SAMN24011823 SAMN24011823 rep1 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under white light treatment for 8 days SRR17223135 non-strand-specific 22397208 21572493 18046149 SAMN24011824 SAMN24011823 rep2 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under white light treatment for 8 days SRR17223134 non-strand-specific 21479871 20474850 17776059 SAMN24011825 SAMN24011823 rep3 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under white light treatment for 8 days SRR17223132 non-strand-specific 21611837 20848628 18545871 SAMN24011826 SAMN24011826 rep1 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under far-red light treatment for 8 days SRR17223131 non-strand-specific 19343884 18742739 16691414 SAMN24011827 SAMN24011826 rep2 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under far-red light treatment for 8 days SRR17223130 non-strand-specific 22433261 21570874 19089832 SAMN24011828 SAMN24011826 rep3 Cucurbita moschata NA Leaf + stem of plants under far-red light treatment for 8 days SRR17223129 non-strand-specific 21402383 20664259 17923662 SAMN24011829 SAMN24011829 rep1 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under far-red light treatment for 8 days SRR17223128 non-strand-specific 20744380 19972420 16913244 SAMN24011830 SAMN24011829 rep2 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under far-red light treatment for 8 days SRR17223127 non-strand-specific 20091591 19278314 16695159 SAMN24011831 SAMN24011829 rep3 Cucurbita moschata NA Foundation+root of plants under far-red light treatment for 8 days