Chrysanthenum transcriptome database

GO terms of UN75728 (based on the top Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL hits)

GO Biological Process GO:0010051 - xylem and phloem pattern formation
GO:0016246 - RNA interference
GO:0009965 - leaf morphogenesis
GO:0031048 - chromatin silencing by small RNA
GO:0010389 - regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle
GO:0048451 - petal formation
GO:0010014 - meristem initiation
GO:0009944 - polarity specification of adaxial/abaxial axis
GO:0009855 - determination of bilateral symmetry
GO:0051567 - histone H3-K9 methylation
GO:0010073 - meristem maintenance
GO:0006346 - methylation-dependent chromatin silencing
GO:0048453 - sepal formation
GO Molecular Function---
GO Cellular Component GO:0005622 - intracellular